Friday 1 February 2013

'NO' Seems to be the Hardest Word

Shocking! Confusing!

I got a wedding proposal from one of the man from SM. Although the main purpose of joining that site is to found a soul mate, a husband, but receiving proposal from a man I barely knew was quite shocking. Especially when the man was asking it through a mail.

And what did I do then?

Well, remember my previous post about how these man (being contacted by various kind of man) makes me recognize my own feelings? About how they (somehow) makes me have a clearer vision about what I want in life. It really did. I mean, despite that I was shocked because of the proposal, I actually already know what my answer will be.

The answer is No.

Knowing it didn't make it easier to say though.

It's still a hardest thing to do.

A lot of reason make this word so hard to say. I mean, so far he's the nicest man I know from that site. I don't say that the other was bad. Lets just say that I'm comfortable talking to him than the other. If I feel comfort then why say No?!

Like I said earlier, for these past 3 month on SM I realized that I don't feel that I can manage having relationship with some one much older than me. Much much older. Okay.. he's around my dad's age. So it's hard for me for not considering him as my dad or my dad's friend or at least as my uncle. Although I've heard and read about some issues that might or will appear when you married an older man such as health issue, the truth is I don't really think about that. All I think is the fact that I've lost my dad's love for almost a decade and I came into stage that I don't want to find a substitute for that. I mean, I don't mind at all to have an older man for my future husband. Even my dad was 10 years older than my mom and the fact that they're not together now is had nothing to with the age differences (at least that's what I believe). But having a man who's 36 year older than me?! I don't think I can handle that.

Besides.. with that age, I believe that having another baby is not in his list while baby is the important thing in my list so for short, we're not in the same page. Better for me to say No even when No seems to be the hardest word.

What happen then?!

Hard but it's not impossible to say and I already did it. And I feel so relieved.

Thanks GOD. Alhamdulillah... he totally understand. Hmm.. seems that age to do have some kind of good relation with your wisdom afterall ;). Anyway.. he can accept my decision. So glad with that. After all, I'm joining that site not for hurting anyone -at least not on purpose- nor to playing around. That phase was passed. Funny thing is... since he can't have me (that what he said) then he asked for my favor in case I know someone who willing to marry him, he wants me to let him know.

Can't and wont promise him anything but yet.. I'll see if I can help him found his soul mate ;)

Kisses & Hugs, 

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